Window Company Google Ads Troubleshooting - Ultimate Guide

When it comes to online marketing for your windows business, you’ve probably heard about using Google Ads. You set up an account, and follow all the recommended advice, expecting business to come pouring in.  And then… nothing.

Window company Google Ads troubleshooting involves getting to the root of any problems that could be affecting your ads performance.  Whether you’re a window installer, a property manager or an interior designer, don’t get discouraged! We’ve put together an ultimate guide on how you can identify and address any issues.

  1. Campaign Settings

  2. Keywords

  3. Ad Copy

  4. Call-To-Action

  5. Landing Page

HomeRank Ads can help your business begin advertising on Google today. Take your window company to the next level by getting in touch now.


Window Company Google Ads Troubleshooting Solutions


Window company google ads troubleshooting may seem daunting, but it this guide can help!

1. Check Campaign Settings

Google ads are a great way to advertise your business online. However, if your campaign settings don’t reflect your window company’s goals, you might not get the results you hope for.



A) Make sure your settings reflect what you are trying to achieve

What’s your objective? Are you trying to gain more sales? Leads? Website traffic? For example, if your goal is to increase website traffic, you should select a type of bidding like maximize clicks, in order to put your money towards getting people to click your ad. In the settings you can choose the following objectives:

  • Sales

  • Leads

  • Website traffic

  • Product and brand consideration

  • Brand awareness and reach

  • Local store visits and promotions


B) Check your targeting options

Without proper targeting settings, your ad will have a wide reach, meaning anyone can see it. With specific targeting, you can make sure your ads reach potential customers who would be interested in your services. Think about your audience - where do they live? Are they likely to own or rent? This is important when it comes to window company Google ads troubleshooting.


Learn window company Google Ads Troubleshooting or contact Homerank Ads if you need expert help!

2. Keywords

Keywords are an integral part of a Google Ads Campaign and can help your ads meet the right people. However, just like targeting, if you aren’t choosing the right keywords, it can have a negative effect. This can assist your window company Google Ads troubleshooting.



A) Choose the right keywords

Part of having a successful Google ads campaign is determining what your target audience might be searching for. If your keywords are overly vague or irrelevant, it’s less likely that your ads will reach the right people. Consider these tips:

  • Brainstorm a list of topics related to your business, products, or services.

  • Prioritize relevance over volume. Choose keywords that closely match your products or services.

  • Take advantage of keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner.


B) Examine your keywords

Another option for window company Google Ads troubleshooting is to take a look at your current keywords. Identify any that are irrelevant or not performing well and put them on pause. Replace them with keywords that are better suited to your campaign.


Are you reaching the target audience for your window company?

3. Ad Copy

Writing effective ad copy for Google Ads is an essential part of capturing your target audience’s attention.  However, if they are not taking action, it may be time to review your ad copy.



A) Make sure the ad copy is clear, concise and relevant. Also:

  • Ensure that the messaging properly highlights the unique selling points of your window products, benefits, or promotions.

  • Communicate what sets your product or service apart from competitors.


B) Craft a strong headline:

A compelling headline should grab your audience’s attention and convey your main message. Be sure to also Include relevant keywords in the headline.


Struggling with your window company’s Google Ads? We can help!

4. Include a Call-to-Action (CTA)

A good call to action should tell your audience what you’d like them to do. But if your customers don’t understand exactly what that is, it’s unlikely they will take that action.



A) Be Clear and Direct:

  • Clearly state the action you want the user to take by using clear and concise language.

  • Use Action Verbs to prompt immediate engagement. Examples include "Shop," "Discover," "Save," "Get," or "Try."

  • Make the CTA compelling and urgent when possible.


B) Keep it Simple.

Avoid overly complex language or jargon that your audience might not understand. They should be able to grasp your message quickly.


Your landing page should provide a good user experience.

5. Landing Page

Your Google Ads might be right on target but if your audience is being led to a no-so-great landing page, it could affect your entire campaign.



A) Maintain Consistency

Make sure the content on your landing page aligns with the message of your Google Ads. Remember to use the same keywords and offers mentioned in your ad copy - it needs to be apparent to consumers that they've landed on the right page.


B) Provide A Good User Experience

Your landing page should be easy to navigate with a clean and organized layout. To achieve this:

  • Place your CTA prominently on the page and make it clear what action you want visitors to take. For example, "Buy Now," "Request a Quote," and "Sign Up".

  • Optimize the loading speed of your pages by compressing images, as a slow-loading page can lead to higher bounce rates.


Trust HomeRank for Your Window Company Google Ads Troubleshooting

Still not sure how to handle your Google Ads? If you need an experienced team to help with your window company Google Ads troubleshooting, get in touch with Homerank Ads today. We work with a range of businesses including:

  • HVAC companies

  • Real estate companies

  • Windows and door companies

We provide services such as Google Display Ads, YouTube Ads, Google Map Ads and Google Search Ads. Contact us today to learn more!


Window and Door Magazine


HVAC Google Ads Troubleshooting - Ultimate Guide